
Woa! Hello from up here!

Welcome to my silly blog!

We are up and working!!

While it has taken me a while, and at least three computers, we're finally up and running.

This site is basically an archive for OCs, character headcanons, and AO3 stories I write. If you're interested in seeing the rambles of someone who's way too autistic about various types of blocks (Roblox and Minecraft), then you have come to the right place! This main page also gets to hold my favorite GIFs I find.

a small blinkie gif that reads welcome to chaos over a simple purple background with cobwebs

Enjoy this lil jingle while you're here!

a strawberry divider that has pulsing flowers

a little angel blob playing the celloA little angel blob flying and dancing on a clouda little angel blob playing the flute

Hello from down here! Or Goodbye :p